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I'll preface my first post that I'm pretty new to administering Adaxes. I did search but did not see any similar issues.

I created a scheduled task for user accounts expiring (typically contractors) that need to be renewed after 90 days. The user will get an email notifying them that the account expires within 7 days or less and their manager gets one too. The task then runs a custom command for the user's manager to approve the account expiration to extend out another 90 days.

This all seemed to work properly but when I clicked the link in the approval email and logged into the web portal, I received an error message saying "Object does not exist". There are also no items in Configuration -> Approval Requests.

There are 2 things I can think of as to why it might not be working.

1) Since this is still a test, the scheduled task scope is only set to our users/test OU, but my account (being the manager of the test account) is not in that OU.

2). I don't have any one added in the approves field of the task, just the box checked to have the object's manager to approve. This shouldn't matter, but maybe it does.

Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks in advance.

by (50 points)

Where have you placed the approval action in the business rule?

I believe for this to work properly you need to place the approval in a business rule that triggers before updating the attribute "Account Expires".



It seems like your Scheduled Task is configured correctly. Could you answer the following questions to help us troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Is the account that you use to login to Adaxes when checking the Approval Request managed by Adaxes service?
  2. Could you send us the exact URL of the Approval Request that you receive by e-mail? You can send it to support[at]adaxes.com.

Thanks for your replies. Sorry I was out of the office all week and just getting to this.

The approval is actually with the Custom Command. I assumed putting the approval with the business rule would require approval to send the email notification out instead of the approval to change the account expiration, but didn't actually test this since it seemed to work the way I expected at the time.

Support - To answer your questions:
1. I was logging into the admin console with my admin account which is not the service account running the Adaxes services. I logged in with the service account and sure enough, I was able to see the approvals.

2. So interestingly enough, the URL was pointing to our poc instance because I forgot to disable the rule there when I spun up our soon to be production instance. I will test again since I've decommissioned the poc and see what happens. If it is still an issue I will send the URL to the support email.

One question I still have is that I see an approval for each day the rule/command runs. If the manager doesn't get a chance to approve on day 1, 2, 3, etc., they will have multiple approvals for the same task. Is there any way to just send one approval and not one every time?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Issue with wrong Approval Request URL:

The address of the Web Interface to use, including the address included in URLs of AD and Adaxes objects sent via email, is stored in Adaxes service configuration. Thus, when you transferred Adaxes service configuration from your POC instance to your production instance, you also carried over the Web Interface address stored by the POC instance. To remedy the issue, you now need to change the Web Interface address in your production environment to point to your production Web Interface. For information no how to do that, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... rface.html.

Prevent sending multiple Approval Requests:

You can just modify add an additional conditions to your Custom Command or Scheduled Task that extends the accounts. For example:


Thanks so much. This has been great and informative. I have one last request for this.

I noticed that the out of box approval email will use the manager's name which is in the format of last name,first name. I know how to change it to "first name last name" but I don't know where I can access that template. Is this something that is even possible? I also want to find out if there is a way to replicate the URL that is in the approval email as well.

Basically what I'm trying to do is on day 1, the user gets notified and the manager gets the approval email. If they don't approve it on day 1, Day 2 through 7 will send a reminder email that I'm trying to format just like the initial approval email. Can this be done as well?



I know how to change it to first name last name but I don't know where I can access that template. Is this something that is even possible

Have a look at section How to configure Adaxes to send e-mail notifications to approvers and requestors in the following tutorial http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... ilsettings.

I also want to find out if there is a way to replicate the URL that is in the approval email as well.

Basically what I'm trying to do is on day 1, the user gets notified and the manager gets the approval email. If they don't approve it on day 1, Day 2 through 7 will send a reminder email that I'm trying to format just like the initial approval email. Can this be done as well

Actually, you don't need to replicate the URL. In PowerShell, you can call the NotifyApprovers() method supported by all Approval Request objects to resend notifications to all the possible approvers. The notification will be exactly the same as the initial notification sent when an Approval Request is created. To create such a task:

  1. Create a new Scheduled Task.

  2. On step 2 of the Create Scheduled Task wizard, set up the task to run daily.

  3. On step 3, enable the Show all object types option.

  4. Select ApprovalRequest.

  5. To resend a notification e-mail to the approvers, you need to run a PowerShell script. For this purpose, on step 4, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action.

  6. Paste the following script in the Script field. It will resend a notification for the Approval Request it is executed on. It will start re-sending notifications on the next day an Approval Request has been submitted and will stop sending notifications on the day specified by $lastDay.

     $lastDay = 7
     $currentDate = [System.DateTime]::Now.Date
     $creationDate = $Context.TargetObject.CreationDate.Date
     $lastDate = $creationDate.AddDays($lastDay)
     if (($creationDate -ne $currentDate) -and ($currentDate -le $lastDate))
  7. Enter a short description for the script and click OK.

  8. Now, you need to add a condition to trigger the script only on pending requests. To add a condition, double-click Always.

  9. Select the If <property> <relation> <value> condition type.

  10. Specify If ApprovalState equals 0.

  11. Click OK.

  12. On the final step, assign the script over All Objects.

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