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Good Afternoon,

I’m hoping you can assist – I am a new customer and have just completed our installation. We are currently in the throes of migrating from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013 and have 2 separate email systems on our AD domain.

When we use Adaxes to look at user’s exchange properties, we see the below error on the Calendar Settings and Automatic Replies sections for users whose mailboxes reside on Exchange 2007 (Users on Exchange 2013 display fine). All the other tabs/info seem to display and operate well.

The error we receive whenever browsing Calendar Settings or Automatic Replies is:

Failed to get Automatic Replies settings. Cannot open mailbox /o=Rydon Holdings Ltd/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=RYDON-EXCHANGE/cn=Microsoft System Attendant.

Are there any additional diagnostics I should be running to track down the problem?

Many thanks


by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Hello Steve,

Thank you for your interest in Softerra Adaxes!

On Exchange 2007, the user account that is used by Adaxes to manage the domain where the mailbox resides must have full access to the mailbox in order to manage Out-Of-Office Settings. The thing is that when accessing an Exchange mailbox with the help of PowerShell, Exchange checks the permissions of the account that runs this or that cmdlet and, if the account has sufficient permissions, performs the necessary operation. When performing an operation, Exchange actually accesses the mailbox as an Exchange system account. This is often referred to as impersonation.

However, in the case of using cmdlets for managing Out-Of-Office Replies, impersonation is not used, and the mailbox is accessed using the same account that runs the cmdlet. Thus, if a user that runs the cmdlet doesn't have access to the mailbox, they are not able to manage OOF settings even if they have the permission to run the cmdlet. For more information, have a look at the following threads, for example:

Later this has been changed, and starting from Exchange 2010 it is possible to manage OOF Settings even without being assigned full access to a mailbox explicitly.



Thanks very much for your response. That makes perfect sense.

I have tried giving the user full permission to the mailbox to see if that resolves the issue and the problem remains - am I missing something? Are there any logs I should be checking?

Many thanks



Hello Steve,

You can also check this thread on Microsoft's Techcenter about the same issue: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Fo ... change2010.

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