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Over the weekend it appears that Adaxes broke. I'm assuming it was some update but I"m not sure.

I've tried changing the account the service uses, rebooting, stopping and starting the services manually, and basically scouring the forums for some solution.

Now when I go to the console and try to connect it just says Service is Initializing indefinitely.

I'm getting this error in the event log, event ID 0, every 60 seconds or so:

Failed to get list of available configurations due to the following error: Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.SelectNearestServiceException: Adaxes service connection failed. at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Infrastructure.Common.NoCredentialDirectoryObjectProvider.GetAdaxesService() at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Infrastructure.Common.DirectoryObjectProvider.GetWellKnownPathObject(WellKnownDirectoryObject alias) at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Infrastructure.Common.DirectoryObjectProvider.GetWellKnownObject[T](WellKnownDirectoryObject alias) at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.App.Configuration.UseCommonSignInSettingsModifier.GetCommonSignInConfiguration() at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.App.Configuration.UseCommonSignInSettingsModifier.ModifierChangesTracker.IsUpToDate(Object stateSnapshot) at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Core.AdaxesConfiguration.WebUI.Provider.WebUIConfigurationProvider.IsModifiersCacheUpToDate(WebUIConfigurationModifiersCache lastKnownCache, WebUIConfigurationModifiersCache& newCache) at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Core.AdaxesConfiguration.WebUI.Provider.WebUIConfigurationProvider.CheckModifiersCache() at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.Core.AdaxesConfiguration.WebUI.Provider.WebUIConfigurationProvider.GetConfiguration(String configurationName, Boolean resetCache) at Softerra.Adaxes.Web.App.Core.Controllers.HomeController.Index(String configurationName, Boolean legacyRequest, String legacyPage)

by (20 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, please, send us a copy of both the Adaxes and the ADAM (AdaxesBackend) Event Logs at support@adaxes.com. For information on how to view the Adaxes log, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ServiceEventLog. The ADAM (AdaxesBackend) log is located in the same folder as the Adaxes one.


I've sent the requested logs. Is there anything I can be doing in the mean time? Can an existing installation be repaired? I have a lot of people waiting on this portal to be available so I'm pretty stressed.

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