0 votes

I've been unable to start the Adaxes service. It immediately stops after I start it. The AdaxesBackend service is running for the AD LDS instance, but the Softerra Adaxes Service will not start. I checked the logs and it shows the following error each time I try to start the service. Any ideas?

 Softerra.Adaxes.InitializationException: An error occurred during the service initialization. The service will be stopped. --- Softerra.Adaxes.InitializationException: An error occurred while creating the container for configuration set settings. --- Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.DirectoryComException (0x80070005): Access is denied. (Server: adaxes.example.com:11725) --- System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The user has insufficient access rights.  
  at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)  
  at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)  
  at #kk.#Op.#rKb(String dn, String objectClass, Dictionary`2 values)  
  at #kk.#Op.#rKb(String dn, String objectClass, Dictionary`2 values)  
  at #kk.#Op.#rPb()  
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---  
  at #kk.#Op.#rPb()  
  at #kk.#Op.#tPb()  
  at #kk.#Op.Initialize(InitializationContext initContext)  
  at Softerra.Adaxes.Initializer.#v1b(InitializationContext initContext)  
  at Softerra.Adaxes.Initializer.Startup()  
  at Softerra.Adaxes.Service.ADMService.StartThreadMainMethod()  
  --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
by (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)
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Best answer


Check the user account used to run Softerra Adaxes Service. The service must be run using the account of Adaxes default service administrator (the user you specified when installing Adaxes Service on the computer). Only that account has sufficient permissions to perform the necessary operations on the AD LDS instance that serves as Adaxes backend. To check which account is used:

  1. Launch the Services applet: press Win+R, type services.msc and then press Enter.
  2. Check which user account is displayed for Softerra Adaxes Service in the Log On As column.

Thank you. This helped me solve the problem. The account name was the same, but someone had deleted and recreated the service account for some reason. I restored the original service account and was able to connect.


You mean the administrator account has to be put in the settings?



You mean the administrator account has to be put in the settings?

We don't quite understand the question. Could you rephrase it?


I mean the initial administrator account has to be put in place to start the service. Like you mentioned the default administrator account that has to be used.

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