0 votes

Hello Support,

After migrating from 2017.2 to 2021.1, certain actions no longer work. If a group object is to be renamed, the message appears: The object cannot be renamed. We cannot find the reason for this. A direct renaming in the Admin Console works and the permissions in the configuration have been taken over and they look correct. Is there perhaps a useful log file?

Best regards Jo

by (170 points)

Hello Jo,

Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what exactly the issue is. Could you, please, provide all the steps you take before facing the error with screenshots (including the screenshot of the error message itself)? You can post screenshots here or send them to us at support@adaxes.com.


Thanks for the quick response!

I want to rename a security group of type Global



Select image.png

Rename image.png

Approval image.png

Error image.png

I can not find error details

1 Answer

0 votes
by (299k points)

Hello Jo,

Thank you for the provided details. It looks like there is a business rule triggering before renaming a group that cancels the operation. To check the rule:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Select Logging.
  4. In the Result Pane on the right, right-click the Rename SEC-DE-ENIT_SER_COO-1235-Test_JI4 operation. image.png
  5. In the context menu, click Properties.
  6. In the Execution log section you should see the business rule that cancelled the renaming. image.png

The renaming is probably not logged. Other operations were logged: image.png

Earlier, I have already disabled all business rules. But that didn't change anything.


Hello Jo,

The renaming is probably not logged.

Are you sure that all the filters were disabled and the time period was selected to include the time when the error occurred?

To check whether the Rename object operation is logged:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Right-click Logging and then click Properties in the context menu.
  4. Activate the Log Settings tab.
  5. Make sure that the Rename object checkbox is cleared. image.png
  6. If the checkbox is selected, clear it, click OK, reproduce the issue and follow the instructions for checking the Execution log.

Earlier, I have already disabled all business rules. But that didn't change anything.

Does the issue occur only for the SEC-DE-ENITSERCOO-1235-Test_JI4 group or for any other group too?


Our Log Setting: image.png

Yes, I have already tried different groups. It always appears: The object cannot be renamed.


Hello Jo,

Thank you for clarifying. For further troubleshooting, please, do the following:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to and right-click the group.
  4. In the context menu, navigate to All Tasks and then click Export.
  5. In the dialog box that opens, select LDIF and click Next twice.
  6. On the Properties to Export step, clear the Do not export System-Only properties checkbox. image.png
  7. Click Export.
  8. Send the export file to us (support@adaxes.com).

Sorry for the late response. I just sent the export by email.


Hello Jo,

Thank you for the provided export file. The group looks fine and according to the property values there should be no issues renaming it. Could you, please, try renaming the group in Adaxes Administration console and Active Directory Users and Computers? Does it work fine?


That works perfectly




Hello Jo,

Thank you for checking. It looks like the issue occurs because the Rename operation is disabled in the Web interface settings. To remedy the issue, you need to enable the operation. For details, on how to do that, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_DisallowCertainOperationsOnADObjects.htm.


Hello Serge,

Strangely, in the 2017.2 version we migrated, the check mark is not set. But here it seems to have an effect. I will keep testing it...

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