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How can I generate a Messagebox on the WebUI ?

During creation of an new user, we check if the employeenumber exists in AD or in an external databases.
If an employeenumber exists, we would like to show information about this in a messagebox or something similar.

The same goes for displaying error messages, for example when catched in powershell scripts.
The message text will consist of static text and variables from Adaxes/AD.

Here is an example from out current IDM system.

- Thanks in advance

by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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For this purpose, you can use PowerShell scripts. Using the $Context.LogMessage in scripts run as a part of a Business Rule, you can add a message to the Execution Log. The Execution Log will be shown to users when the operation that triggered your Business Rule completes. The first parameter of the method is the text of the message; the second parameter is the type of the message. The second parameter can take the following values: "Information", "Warning", and "Error". Examples:

$Context.LogMessage("Some message", "Information")
$Context.LogMessage("Some warning", "Warning")
$Context.LogMessage("Some error", "Error")

When the operation completes, this will look approximately like this in the Web Interface:

To run a script as a part of a Business Rule, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action to the rule.


Thanks. It is an acceptable workaround for now.

However. In the perspektive of user friendlyness, it would be appropiate to launch a messagebox, someway or another.
Partly because the message could be a longer text and partly because this text or another text is not appropiate to store in the log.

Just a little feature request, within the scope of .NET solutions ;)

- Thanks



Thanks for the suggestion. Actually, we already have it in our Product Backlog. We'll keep it in mind when deciding on features for future releases.

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