0 votes


we would like to logon in the WebUI with the username. Now we have to logon with username@domain.com or domain\username.

Can we change the logon process with the "normal" username without the domainpart ?

Sorry for my english.. :oops:



by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


This functionality will be available in the next release of Adaxes that is scheduled for the end of January 2012.


It looks like Firefox is not configured correctly (network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris parameter is specified, but network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris is not). To configure Firefox do the following things:

  • In the address bar of Firefox, type about:config to display the list of current configuration options.
  • In the Filter field, type negotiate to restrict the list of options.
  • Double-click the network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris entry to display the Enter string value dialog box.
  • Enter the name of the domain against which you want to authenticate, for example, .example.com.
  • Repeat the above procedure for the network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris entry, using the same domain.


the setting "network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris" was the mising settings, to delegate credentials.


Whe don´t need this setting befor for our systems. Mh, okay that´s the way...






I've got a problem since I upgrade in 3.3.8906.0.
The "Domainless Username" option is activate for all web interface types but on first login after IIS reset, I have this error message : The account name is invalid. It is expected to be formatted either as 'DOMAIN\user' or 'user@domain'.

If I log in with 'DOMAIN\user' once then close my browser with cleaning cache, I'm able to log in only with my username.
But if I reset IIS again, I'll have to log in for the first time with 'DOMAIN\user' for each WebUI.

Can you help ?




The issue may be that, for some reason, the default settings that are used for the application pool of your Web Interface site are not working.

To correct the issue:

  1. On the computer, where Adaxes Web Interface is installed, launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from Control Panel -> Administrative Tools.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand the server that hosts the Adaxes Web Interface, and then expand Sites.
  3. Expand the web site for the Adaxes Web Interface.
  4. Select the virtual directory for the Web Interface type you need.
  5. In the right view pane, click Basic Settings...
  6. Note the application pool that is used for the Web Interface type you need. It is displayed in the Application pool field.
  7. Click Cancel and select Application Pools in the Console Tree.
  8. Select the application pool that is used for the Web Interface type you need.
  9. Click Advanced Settings... in the right view pane.
  10. In the dialog box that appears, select the Identity field and press the button that is embedded in this row.
  11. In the dialog box that appears, select the NetworkService built-in account.
  12. Click OK two times and restart IIS.

Perfect, it's ok now.

Thanks a lot.

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