I've been unable to start the Adaxes service. It immediately stops after I start it. The AdaxesBackend service is running for the AD LDS instance, but the Softerra Adaxes Service will not start. I checked the logs and it shows the following error each time I try to start the service. Any ideas?
Softerra.Adaxes.InitializationException: An error occurred during the service initialization. The service will be stopped. --- Softerra.Adaxes.InitializationException: An error occurred while creating the container for configuration set settings. --- Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.DirectoryComException (0x80070005): Access is denied. (Server: adaxes.example.com:11725) --- System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.DirectoryOperationException: The user has insufficient access rights.
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.ConstructResponse(Int32 messageId, LdapOperation operation, ResultAll resultType, TimeSpan requestTimeOut, Boolean exceptionOnTimeOut)
at System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.LdapConnection.SendRequest(DirectoryRequest request, TimeSpan requestTimeout)
at #kk.#Op.#rKb(String dn, String objectClass, Dictionary`2 values)
at #kk.#Op.#rKb(String dn, String objectClass, Dictionary`2 values)
at #kk.#Op.#rPb()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at #kk.#Op.#rPb()
at #kk.#Op.#tPb()
at #kk.#Op.Initialize(InitializationContext initContext)
at Softerra.Adaxes.Initializer.#v1b(InitializationContext initContext)
at Softerra.Adaxes.Initializer.Startup()
at Softerra.Adaxes.Service.ADMService.StartThreadMainMethod()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---