Hi again,
the script here needs a small change
In the last catch area, it has to be $messageEncodingName, otherwise the output will show nothing for default as the value is empty : )
catch { $messageEncodingName = "UTF-8 (default)" }
Thank you for pointing out the issue. We forwarded it to the corresponding department.
We use this date to determin transfers and start dates. Basicaly on this day the Adaxes resets the password. In the report I would like to ... name, first name, last name, employeeID, CustomAttributeboolean1, customattributeboolean2, and customattributedate2.
Hi team, based on Configure Syslog output it says By default, Adaxes uses UDP port 514 to send Syslog messages. Is there any possibilty to change this setting, especially to set TCP?
We are trying to set up syslog viewing in Splunk Storm from our Adaxes instance. I have enabled syslog output and put in the appropriate Syslog server information. ... asking for this information in its configuration. Thank you for information you can provide.
Hi team, is there any possibility to see "live" which types of tasks/business rules/scripts/etc are running currently on Adaxes Server? I noticed a CPU of >95% for a while and would like to investigate what is going on and where.
We used to use a script to check if an AD user's MFA was set in Azure (Hybrid AD/AAD set up). I do not think it is relevant any longer. Is there another script that handles this or some other functionality in order to check a user's Azure MFA status?