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I'm doing an upgrade to 2013.2. Is there a way to preserve the AdaxesLog.db3 content from the old version to the current version?

I tried to replace the file (previous method), but it now produces an error "failed to load log records". Unable to find assembly 'System.Data.SQLite....'


by (950 points)


Can you describe the procedure that you followed for the update (step-by-step)?

Can you post the error message?


This document describes the steps required to perform an in place upgrade of ADAxes Active Directory Management system.
To upgrade to a new version of Adaxes you need to perform the following steps:
Backup ADAxes configuration.
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\Softerra.Adaxes.BackupRestore.exe
Click Next:
Check the “Back up credentials” option, and change the path to:
“C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup”
Use the Proxy account and its password:
Production = CO-ADProxy
Lab = ADProxy

Verify that you have a complete backup file:

Backup Web Interface Configuration.
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Softerra.Adaxes.Web.UI.Configuration.exe
Change path to:
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup\Backup.Adaxes.WebUI.webuicfg
Leave the default (Administrator, Help Desk, and Self Service) checked:
Verify that you have a valid backup file:

Retain Existing Log Database
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\LogDB\AdaxesLog.db3
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup

Uninstall the existing version of Adaxes.

Install the new version.
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\adaxes_x64_en.msi (downloaded from vendor to this folder)

Enable all features:
Use the Proxy account and its password:
Production = CO-ADProxy
Lab = ADProxy
Take defaults:

Click “Restore Service Configuration”:
Browse to and select the backup that was created earlier.
Check “Restore Approval Requests”:
Use the Proxy account and its password:
Production = CO-ADProxy
Lab = ADProxy

Click “Restore Web UI Configuration”:
Click Browse and select the web interface backup file that was created previously:
Click Next (take defaults):

Click Finish:

Stop the ADAxes service and copy the original log database file to the original location:
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup\AdaxesLog.db3
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\LogDB\AdaxesLog.db3

Start the ADAXes service and verify that the console and web interface are operational.

Error Message for log:


First of all, the following steps:

Retain Existing Log Database
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\LogDB\AdaxesLog.db3
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup


Stop the ADAxes service and copy the original log database file to the original location:
C:\AdAxes Installation Files\Configuration Backup\Pre-Upgrade Backup\AdaxesLog.db3
C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\LogDB\AdaxesLog.db3

are unnecessary because the logging database is already included in the Adaxes service backup file and restored together with Adaxes service configuration.

However, the cause for the issue is different. For some reason, Adaxes service cannot find assembly System.Data.SQLite. It is implemented by file System.Data.SQLite.dll. The file is located in the folder for Adaxes service, which is C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service by default. Make sure that the file is present in the folder and that the file version is correct ( You can lookup the version on the Details page of the dialog with file properties.


I'm good without copying the log file - I just wanted to make sure the data was preserved. It did not appear to be - it looked like an empty file was recreated and the history was lost.


Probably, you checked it in one of the previous versions. Now, logging information is preserved.

What about the DLL file? Is it present in the directory for Adaxes service? What version is it?




What version of Windows are you running? Is it 32 bit o0r 64 bit?

Did you install the 32 bit or 64 bit version of Adaxes?


64 bit.

We are upgrading from 2012.1 to 2013.2.

I don't think the backup from 2012.1 gets the log file:

1 Answer

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by (950 points)

I got it to work per my original instructions.

I think our lab had a bad log file.

Production is a 120MB file. I took it to the lab and stopped the services, replaced the file with the production log file and restarted. The data is now visible.



64 bit.

The Operating System, the installation package or both? What is the Windows version?

I don't think the backup from 2012.1 gets the log file:

The support for backing up the logging database was added in one of minor updates for Adaxes 2012.1. Probably, you didn't install that update or any of the subsequent updates. In any case, Adaxes 2013.2 already supports backing up / restoring the logging database. After you manage to complete the upgrade process, you can remove the items for preserving the logging database from you checklist.

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