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Can anyone tell me what the adaxes system does upon initial startup?

I am asking because it takes my system over 45 minutes to start responding after any restart - service or computer.

Is that normal? Is there anyway to make this take less time?


- Scott W.

by (220 points)

Hello Scott,

It looks like an issue related to your troubles with logging reported in retrieving log files suddenly SLOW ....


I am willing to work through the issues one at a time ... but I do know that this has always been the case - even before the log file access was slow.

I just yesterday had time to post an inquiry ... but when I say always I mean at least the past 90 days or longer - since we actually started using the system.


- Scott W.


Hello Scott,

How many unprocessed Approval Requests do you have? The thing is that when Adaxes service starts, it checks all unprocessed (neither approved, nor denied, nor canceled) Approval Requests. If you have many Approval Requests, it can take quite a lot of time. Pay special attention at your Scheduled Tasks that create Approval Requests (such as the built-in Inactive User Deleter task that deletes a user only when an approval is received). Such Scheduled Tasks can generate quite a lot of Approval Requests within short time intervals.


This behavior happens when there are no unprocessed approval requests.

I didn't want to steer this conversation but I've seen this before in other products from other vendors ...

On startup does adaxes attempt to contact all of my Domain Controllers?? I ask because I have over 300 located all over North America. And, as I mentioned, this has caused other applications to take an awful long time to start.

If not, I still don't know why adaxes takes 45 minutes or longer to become responsive on startup ... it really makes patching the system or making any changes to it extremely difficult.



Hello Scott,

We doubt that the situation with DCs can be a cause for the issue. Can you do the following to help us troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Backup the configuration of your Adaxes service. For information on how to do this, see Backup/Restore Service Configuration. When making the backup, on step 2 of the Backup/restore wizard, uncheck the Back up credentials option.
  2. Send us the backup file.

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