Recent questions in Active Directory Management with Adaxes

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Hello! I need to store all Adaxes log files to be able to inspect old logs and find out who performed certain operations. Can I back up log files?

asked Jul 20, 2011 by jlkhj98 (150 points)
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Hi. I am in midst of setting up Adaxes for testing(trial lic.). And I need to make sure it can do what we want to use it for. Here goes: I have a business rule "When ... to "True". How can I add this to my business rule above, so this is automated? Thank you.

asked Jul 20, 2011 by Brandur (100 points)
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Hi, When I import accounts from a CSV file, these accounts are imported to AD disabled. How can I set the imported accounts to be enabled by default?

asked Jul 19, 2011 by sdd5533 (100 points)
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Hi there ! I use the blind users role to hide objects to web operators but it seems that default containers (builtin, computers, users) are always visible, when i use group ... rights to edit these objects, i'd like these to be really hidden. Any clue ?

asked Jul 18, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, Each time i want to export (whatever the format), if i press the button to select only a subset of attributes to export, the console crash. Description: ... not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:\Windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt

asked Jul 5, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi again, It seems that there is a problem with the Blind Users role and the add to group features : i configured a user as he can see only a specific OU through blind ... " (Where My User stands for the real user name obviously). Am i doing something wrong ?

asked Jul 5, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, I'd like to create a Business Rule after both creating or updating a user object. It seems not to be possible though it make sense in many case. Moreover, it seems not ... from creating to updating, but no way too :-( Any help on that ? Regards Stephen

asked Jul 4, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hello, We have customized the Web Interface, so the form for user creation has only First Name and Last Name fields. Username is generated automatically. But, when a user with ... the creator cannot change the username to fix it. How can I avoid this problem?

asked Jun 29, 2011 by jlkhj98 (150 points)
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Hi, Can I change a field name in the Web Interface form? I want some fields to be displayed with other names than the attributes are actually called.

asked Jun 29, 2011 by jmirks (180 points)
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Hi, Is there a way to automatically spread new mailboxes among mailbox stores based on the surname of the user? Put mailboxes for users with surnames A-F on Store 1, users with surnames G-L on Store 2, etc.

asked Jun 22, 2011 by jlkhj98 (150 points)
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I am installing a trival version of Adeaxes, during the installation it gives me an error... Failed to get the list of IIS web sites. Access is denied. Only 'Default Web Site' ... to a test file inside the site. I am installing as a Domain Admin on the box.

asked Jun 20, 2011 by EMSI (20 points)
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Hi. The new version that is "very soon" to be released(1-2 weeks). Is it going to be possible to set/change those from the web-interface. Would be very handy for example the HR ... .. 51252.aspx ... directory/ //Brandur

asked Jun 15, 2011 by Brandur (100 points)
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Hello, I was wondering if there is an upgrade process from version 2.6.6702 to the latest release? I've read the Release Notes for the latest version of Adaxes, but I ... version, will I lose my current configuration or do I have to manually back them up?

asked Jun 7, 2011 by hs-usa (60 points)
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Hi again Adaxes aleardy propose to submit action to requestor manager. I would find very usefull to submit action to object manager : if a want to modify a user object, the approval would be sent to user's manager. Does it make sense ? Thanks

asked Jun 1, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Latest version of Adaxes include functions upper and lower which are usable in Property Patterns and that's great. Is there a plan to include new one ? I think ... regex replace (not only checking) feature for property patterns. Thanks for the good job

asked May 31, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, I'd like to implement a rule to ensure that telephoneNumber value is unique accross the domain for each user, either after creation or updates. I tried to implement a ... one (before change). How to get the new value in the script ? Thanks Stephen

asked May 31, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, How can I hide some directory objects from users? I don't want them to view some organizations units and groups.

asked May 27, 2011 by jlkhj98 (150 points)
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I initially set up this application to be a self-service portal for users to update their contact information in AD. When seeing the licensing info on the purchasing page: ... to buy a license for accounts that will never use this software? Please explain.

asked May 23, 2011 by Rojs (90 points)
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I need to check EmployeeID when creating a user. In a simplified algorithm, EmployeeID must have six digits and the last two digits must be the sum of first two digits and ... regular expression in a property pattern. Is there a way I can do this via Adaxes?

asked May 23, 2011 by jlkhj98 (150 points)
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How can I make the last name capitalized? I want a property pattern to generate the full name from the first name and last name. I want these properties to start with Capitalized ... and last name is Doe, I want his full name to be generated like John DOE.

asked May 20, 2011 by jmirks (180 points)
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