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The default is http://[mydomainname]/Adaxes/SelfService is there a way to change this? example; http://[mydomainname]/passwordselfservice or http://[mydomainname]/help

asked Sep 17, 2021 by john_shook (40 points)
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Is there any kind of configuration file or registry entry for the Adaxes Client? What port is it using? What port do I need to open on my firewalls?

asked Sep 14, 2021 by john_shook (40 points)
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Over the weekend it appears that Adaxes broke. I'm assuming it was some update but I"m not sure. I've tried changing the account the ... Adaxes.Web.App.Core.Controllers.HomeController.Index(String configurationName, Boolean legacyRequest, String legacyPage)

asked Sep 14, 2021 by crevard (20 points)
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We have a business need for automating and controlling the creation of service accounts in our AD. For example, we want all new service accounts to start with "svc_" for ... customize the "New User" form to create a "New Service Account" workflow in Adaxes?

asked Sep 10, 2021 by joshua.lapchuk (60 points)
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I am wanting to export a list of users including the properties of a specific custom attribute. Ideally, I would be able to run a get-admuser and filter on a custom attribute, but even an excel report with the custom attributes would work. Is this possible?

asked Sep 9, 2021 by ggallaway (300 points)
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Hello, Is there already a release date for Adaxes 2021.2 and what features from the roadmap can we expect? greetings pudong

asked Sep 9, 2021 by pudong (680 points)
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Hello! We have password policies set up to prevent users from reusing the last several passwords and to prevent them from changing their password more than once in a 24 ... know of any way to fully enforce all of the password policies for password resets?

asked Sep 9, 2021 by KelseaIT (320 points)
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It would be great if we could run a report on an OU and get the following information: Computer Name Local Accounts Whether or not the account is an administrator ... this is less important. Thanks in advance. Your support team is great and appreciated.

asked Sep 8, 2021 by mikek (80 points)
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Hello, We would like to monitor all GPO changes under CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=mydomain and get an mail conaining attribut like for example : displayName distinguishedName gPCFileSysPath ... . Do you have such script for Adaxes ? Thanks! <br> <br>

asked Sep 7, 2021 by tentaal (1.1k points)
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I'm trying to generate a custom report based off the return values of a PowerShell script. I've tried looking over the tutorial docs and SDK, but I can't seem to piece it all ... Expression = { $_.Properties[1].Value } } } catch { Throw $_.Exception } } }

asked Sep 6, 2021 by joshua.lapchuk (60 points)
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When attempting to assign licenses during the "after creating a user" rule we're reciving the following error. Failed to create a remote mailbox for the user. The address ' ... mail attribute to the proper format that isn't the domain as well.

asked Sep 2, 2021 by zorps (20 points)
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Getting "object reference not set to an instance" when trying to sign into Office 365 Tenant Was working fine before

asked Sep 1, 2021 by davm79 (40 points)
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I have centralized some of my scheduled tasks in Adaxes; a couple not related to AD. One powershell command runs every minute and copies a file between two systems. Is ... to prevent this specific custom command from logging the action as it is quite noisy.

asked Aug 30, 2021 by jbadry (430 points)
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Hi Team I need some assitance with creating a report to pull from exchange online all user mailboxes that have automatic replies enabled. I have been attempting to use ... Where-Object { $_.AutoReplyState -ne "Disabled" } | Select Identity, StartTime, EndTime

asked Aug 25, 2021 by Richard_NRL (90 points)
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Hello, we're currently having issues to disabling user accounts on a specific date and time. When our HR department wants to start a "Offboarding", we're created a ... can we link it to the *After approval of disabling account field? Thanks in adavantage.

asked Aug 24, 2021 by BeliarsFire (20 points)
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I am trying to have a scheduled job that will hide groups that are empty and I can not seem to figure out how to do it.

asked Aug 20, 2021 by hgletifer (1.3k points)
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Hello We need to allow distribution group managers to grant send as permissions for individual members of each group. Is there a way to reference the group name when running a user custom command from a Modify Group web interface item? Many Thanks

asked Aug 19, 2021 by VCal (20 points)
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The account is configured with the user's email address as its name and the icon says third party.

asked Aug 19, 2021 by bsteele (90 points)
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We intend to use a SQL Server 2019 database for our central logging. Our DBA would like to know if how long after Microsoft releases their service packs before you ... Adaxes implementation? Do we need to wait until you pubish an official notice of support?

asked Aug 13, 2021 by MRBruce (110 points)
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For example, if the scope is a specified OU, running the report will list management history for every object in the OU even if it has had no management operations ... so objects that have not had any recent modifications are excluded from the report results?

asked Aug 13, 2021 by ryan741 (120 points)
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