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When attempting to add a business unit as a trustee for a security role, it is not visible under the "Look in" drop down in the Assign Role window.

asked Jul 20, 2021 by ryan741 (120 points)
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I am trying to create a business rule to send an email to the manager of the group when a member is added or removed from a rule-based group. I have created the business rule and it works for other groups but not for a rule-based group. Can this be done?

asked Jul 19, 2021 by (2.3k points)
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Is it possible to get a report created that would show us the last X days of the specified users' Azure sign-ins? The data I'd love to see is found at Home ... would help our Helpdesk get a better grasp on why some lockouts are occurring. Thanks in advance!

asked Jul 19, 2021 by mikek (80 points)
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Hallo Everyone I'm attempting to import a CSV list to Update Current users. I Used the Script 2 from Repostitory ... "employeeNumber") # TODO: modify me Test file: sAMAccountName,employeeNumber, Peter.Muster,AB052

asked Jul 13, 2021 by Sandberg94 (340 points)
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In the Azure Portal, we have a Microsoft 365 G3 License group. I'd like to automate a task (or create a macro) to put users into that group from Adaxes instead of having to ... is possible? Our current version of Adaxes is 2020.1 Version 3.13.17918.0 (64 bit)

asked Jul 12, 2021 by Tfarmer (160 points)
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Hi Team, I am looking to see if we can enable MFA for self service for specific users, I have enabled MFA for self service using the web configuratior sign on options, but that ... MFA for all the users. So wanted to check if this is a possibility, thank you.

asked Jul 9, 2021 by Vish539 (460 points)
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We have a couple scheduled tasks that are scoped to run on all user objects across our domain to check for things like upcoming password expiration and account expiration. These ... log. Is there a way to only log events when an operation is executed?

asked Jul 9, 2021 by KelseaIT (320 points)
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We recently migrated some accounts to a new Forest that is part of the same Tenant. After migration of Shared mailboxes I get GUIDs for delegates. The image shows 3 ... migration as expected. So far the GUID doesn't appear to match the migrated account.

asked Jul 6, 2021 by ComputerHabit (790 points)
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When creating custom commands you have to select the object type. What is the object type for a Business Unit? It doesn't seem to be OU or Container as I can not select ... execute my script against. I've been searching the site and can not find this detail.

asked Jul 5, 2021 by ComputerHabit (790 points)
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This is issue has been going on for awhile with worsening symptons. We opened up this ticket awhile back when it was just the web interface that wouldn't work and after ... to get to the bottom of this. Having a separate install is not a viable option.

asked Jul 1, 2021 by (2.3k points)
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Currently the log gets written in whatever language the user has in the web-UI. This makes no sense to me as an administrator (I don't even know some languages ... different names in different languages. Please make sure to include this in a future release!

asked Jul 1, 2021 by GiZmOswe (50 points)
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I would like users to use Adaxes to add themselves or others to a group, but instead of it just working, it has to go thru an approval process and be approved by the group owner before they are added. Thanks!

asked Jun 30, 2021 by RayBilyk (240 points)
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Hi we have bunch of custom commands that HR uses, to create new user employee or offboard someone. They can see the execution log on the web interface, but we would like to recive a copy of the log in an email to IT to make sure there arent errors etc.

asked Jun 30, 2021 by TJ_Umredkar (140 points)
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Hello, Is there a way to send an email notification when a user is added to a group dynamically (with LDAP filter) , it's work only when i add the user manually Thank you

asked Jun 30, 2021 by GG (70 points)
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I'm trying to create a business rule that is executed before a user is created. I used the Adaxes tutorial Run PowerShell Script after Creating a User for ... execute. Are there permissions I'm forgetting somewhere? Thanks in advance for the assistance.

asked Jun 29, 2021 by lgibbens (320 points)
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Hello Everyone I wanted to ask if there is a way to increase the limit for the log file database as it is now 30 days by default or do I need to create a new SQL database? Thank you for the Support

asked Jun 28, 2021 by Sandberg94 (340 points)
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Hi, I am running a report to dump some attributes. I have one attribute that is Yes or No in AD. I want to transform that when generating that in a report. <br&gt ... I believe it is script in a report -specific column but not sure how to construct. Thanks.

asked Jun 26, 2021 by techg (320 points)
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Hello, is it possible to create a customattribute with user picker and put it in a form ? (like the manager attribute)

asked Jun 25, 2021 by GG (70 points)
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Hi We would like to allow Managers of Users to add their Users to Security Groups. Currently, we always get the following error: Currently our Security for Managers looks like ... User XY can add UserXY to Group AB, then trigger the Business Rule Thanks, Mario

asked Jun 25, 2021 by (80 points)
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When the help desk is trying to create a user, they get and error that has our domain info in it. When a System Admin attempts to create an account, it goes ... permissions have been made. Running v2021.1 parameter is incorrect error (Server: '')

asked Jun 25, 2021 by matthew.eccles (20 points)
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