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Is there a way to present different pages when users view their own properties, and if they view other users properties in the Self Service portal? We have certain custom fields ... 't see the fields, but I would rather the whole section not shown if possible.

asked Mar 31, 2016 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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Our business has tools that require tweaks when a password is changed. We want to reminder our users to make the tweaks when they change their password. Our users ... way to have Adaxes detect the password change and email the user the reminder message?

asked Mar 30, 2016 by jakesomething (190 points)
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Hello Q1: When a user (on the WebUI) cancels a pending request, he recieves a mail notification, saying that he (just) cancelled a request ?!? Hmmmm.... How can we "route ... " 2 - "Maximum allowed number of enabled and not expired accounts" ------ - Thanks

asked Mar 30, 2016 by (2.6k points)
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I have a custom command that is invoked by a business rule. I need to temporarily disable this custom command from running, however in testing I see that even though the custom command is disabled it is still executing. Is this normal?

asked Mar 29, 2016 by lasership (370 points)
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I have two domains where a sub-set of users are a mirror of each other. When a deprovision is run in the primary domain I would also like it to perform the ... on as well, possibly by calling a separate custom command where I can have different steps.

asked Mar 25, 2016 by Infounlim (470 points)
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Hello! I have been evaluating the Adaxes product, so far mostly on paper. I wanted to ask for your comment on my proposed design, with the following prerequisites ... to "recipes" related to the concept described here is much appreciated. Kind regards

asked Mar 25, 2016 by triple5fifteen (50 points)
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Hello again, I am setting up the Web Console so our support people can add users to groups. Currently when they go in they can select a user from all the users they can ... into the web portal. Is there a way to pull value references from the selected object?

asked Mar 25, 2016 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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Hello, I have some AD Groups I would like to exclude from a business unit I'm using. I have standard group names across multiple OUs, some should be a part of the ... than simply having a working exclude query. Any thoughts on how I can get this working?

asked Mar 24, 2016 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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Hello, I am working on delegating the ability to create user accounts. One thing I'm not sure how to handle is duplicate user names. I would like it if I could have an ... gets passed off to me to create manually so I'd love to be able to automate it!

asked Mar 24, 2016 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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hi, i'm certain my credentials are correct. I get the message invalid credentials. could not load file or assembly c:\windows\system32\windowsPowerShell\v.1\Module\MsOnline\ ... I've also confirmed that that module is in that location. Please advise. thx

asked Mar 24, 2016 by MeliOnTheJob (1.7k points)
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Hello, I am looking for a way with a custom command or script to change ExtensionAttribute4 for all users in a specific OU(and Sub-OU's). Currently all of the ... change them to just changing the field after the @ symbol. Thank You

asked Mar 19, 2016 by Infounlim (470 points)
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I am using external powershell scripts where adaxes custom attributes are used as inputs. I want to clear/modify those attributes after my external ps1 script gets executed ... the same inside my external scripts thru try{}catch{} error handling method?

asked Mar 19, 2016 by Brajesh (460 points)
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Hello I have a piece of code that troubles me: Import-Module Adaxes # $Server = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%") $Advisgruppe = "%distinguishedName%" $Member = $Context. ... ). In the case above, it is a specific security group. - Thanks

asked Mar 16, 2016 by (2.6k points)
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As Always thank you guys for such an excellent product, I have could not have so few IT admins for such a large organization as I do without this tool. As they say it ... of "User Self Service" and their role's visibility or should I be doing something else?

asked Mar 15, 2016 by strikk (360 points)
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Hi, I have a couple of questions, but first I'd like to describe the use case: let's say, there is a domain There are 2 organizations/groups/whatever ... tenancy with the help of Adaxes within a single AD domain? Multiple domains? Thanks in advance!

asked Mar 15, 2016 by Alex (50 points)
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Actually it's a test account that's showing this issue. I logon as a test account that has recently been created so has not reports in AD. When I logon as that user ... members who are not managed by that account. Any ideas where I should look for a solution?

asked Mar 10, 2016 by bistromath (840 points)
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We would like to have some email notifications sent based on custom commands. The issue is some of the emails need to have the users password in them. While reading ... password in the first step of the custom command. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

asked Mar 9, 2016 by estermer (70 points)
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Morning, I have an issue with self service users being able to modify the properties of other users, my permissions look like this: I assume it's my assignments: entry that needs to be set to "self" not my user group is that correct? Thanks, John.

asked Mar 7, 2016 by bistromath (840 points)
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I have a Business Rule where "After User Creation", "Create the home directory". This works fine and adds the user Modify Access to their home directory, but it also Adds ... does not need to be given explicit access. Is there a way to suppress this behavior?

asked Mar 4, 2016 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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HI, I have scenario to perform a custom action based on the notification approval result. Before creating a user, i need to send out for an approval, if the request ... there a way we can achieve this. Any help/pointers or references would really appreciated.

asked Mar 4, 2016 by ramd123 (50 points)
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