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good day, is there any chance to modify the behavior of the address field? Which displays a users address like this: We would like to have City and Zip/Postalcode comma ... question, can the blank line be removed from a drop down list? Regards Ingemar Jacob

asked Sep 16, 2013 by ijacob (960 points)
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I'm trying to expire a users password by setting the pwdLastSet attribute to 0 and I figured I could do it in Adaxes pretty easily by setting the Password Last Set property, ... I getting the error and two is this the best way to expire a password? Thanks!

asked Sep 13, 2013 by bemho (520 points)
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Hi, we are running Adaxes on a MS Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5 and we wanted to enable Automatic Login for the self-service part. We did it exactly the way like ... forrest, consisting out of three domains, where the Adaxes server is placed in the root domain.

asked Sep 13, 2013 by ijacob (960 points)
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Hello Again, We are experiencing a few issues with Exchange 2003: - When the primary mail address is changed, the mail attribute is not updated I could workarround ... uncommited data would solve this issue and add flexibility. Thank you in advance Pierre

asked Sep 13, 2013 by Pierre (750 points)
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Hi, is there any way as I stated in the subject to prevent Adaxes from talking to certain Exchange servers in the environment? We have a couple of servers which are for ... and Adaxes always try's to contact them, resulting in an error. Regards Ingemar Jacob

asked Sep 12, 2013 by ijacob (960 points)
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Hello, When i'm trying to get exchange information on the adaxes site, it got the following error message: "The input object cannot be bound to any ... Tools installed on adaxaes server - Adaxes User has Exchange Administrator Rigths on the mailserver

asked Sep 10, 2013 by wies.j (20 points)
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Adaxes Support, Is there a way to disable the Nested Group function of Active Directory in Adaxes. We are using some nested groups in rare cases but our corporate ... or blocking users that manage groups to only added members and not nest groups. Rodney

asked Aug 29, 2013 by rjthompson (80 points)
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What permissions are necessary to give a Help Desk user the rights to modify all aspects (changing properties of a Policy, adding users to a policy, creating new policies, etc) of Password Self-Service Thanks

asked Aug 29, 2013 by bemho (520 points)
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Hi Is it possible to get the password that was just set? I want to create Business Rules that will trigger when a password is reset, changed and self-reset, but for this to work, i need the password that was just set. Is that possible?

asked Aug 29, 2013 by kjesoo (960 points)
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Hello, I'm new to Adaxes. We're simply trying to setup a securtiy role that allows our helpdesk users to modify some very basic properties in AD. Allowing them to ... design? How do we give them the ability to modify orgization properties as well? Thanks!

asked Aug 26, 2013 by gnhord (20 points)
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Adaxes support, Is there a way to disable the red x icon in the search results window on a user account. This icon appears by defualt when we disable an account but ... allows is to enable the users picture. Can this be accomplished in the xml config files?

asked Aug 22, 2013 by rjthompson (80 points)
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Do you have a browser compatibility list? For example, is Chrome fully supported for ADAxes? Thanks

asked Aug 22, 2013 by BradG (950 points)
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Hi, I created a property pattern for personalTitle but it does not reflect in the selfservice web frontend. I did it the same way for Company and Location both are working. Any ideas why it does not work? kind regards Ingemar

asked Aug 22, 2013 by ijacob (960 points)
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We have a pretty generic installation of Adaxes 2013.1. We'd like the HelpDesk to be able to see the Password Expiration date. Currently they see "Password Expires ... 'Password Last Set' Property User Allow Write 'User Cannot Change Password' Property User

asked Aug 21, 2013 by theckel (520 points)
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Dear Support, how am I able to use that powershell command: Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity $Mailbox":\Kalender" -User $Benutzer -AccessRights $AccessType I want set on the calendar of the user the permission modify for a group. Thanks,

asked Aug 20, 2013 by Napoleon (700 points)
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Hello, Where are the challenge questions and answers stored? Active Directory? Or somewhere else? Also, are the questions and/or answers encrypted in any way? Thanks for the assistance.

asked Aug 19, 2013 by ColdFusion02 (20 points)
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Is there a way to group custom commands when you right-click on a user/computer into folders? We're working on automating a lot of processes with custom commands - ... in a folder, all of the user provisioning/deprovisioning together) to make this easier.

asked Aug 19, 2013 by danftasc (440 points)
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Dear Support, I want to redirect the Approvalrequests to another Person, if the automatic reply function in Exchange is enabled. Can Adaxes read this Attribut from Exchange 2010 ... to a other Person when the Attribut is true. Thank you for your great support

asked Aug 15, 2013 by Napoleon (700 points)
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Hello Support, when I edit a user in the Administration Console, I do not see all properties. Is it somehow possible to display custom attributes by default or can I do this only via the web interface? Thanks

asked Aug 14, 2013 by Napoleon (700 points)
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Dear Adaxes Support, I'm trying to check the uniqueness of the Initials-proberty. My script works well so far. Import-Module Adaxes $value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("initials"); if ( ... Have you a idea how I can do this in the right way? Thanks :-)

asked Aug 13, 2013 by Napoleon (700 points)
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