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Are there any APIs or Powershell options that would allow me to pull out the exact action that is being approved in workflow? Thanks!

asked Nov 9, 2012 by BradG (950 points)
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This may be a stupid question but I'm looking to create an approval process for users being added to sensitive AD groups such as the domain admins group. How would I ... to use especially since the condition is based on changes that have not yet happened...

asked Nov 1, 2012 by VTPatsFan (610 points)
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We begun to notice that users in the web interface are seeing a truncated list of requests that have been approved. This seems to be related to the number of approved requests in ... user it has been a few weeks. Both have many approvals every day. Any ideas?

asked Nov 1, 2012 by BradG (950 points)
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Hello, The installation of the Adaxes software fails on my network. I have tried the installation on Multiple member servers. All the servers are Windows 2008 R2. The domain ... the software using a service account (domain admin). Both didn't work. Ronnie

asked Oct 25, 2012 by ronnie (20 points)
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I have people stating they never received the approval notifications. I know how to add multiple approvers to a Send for Approval command, but that sends a email to a second " ... do I send a duplicate email or CC another user on ALL outbound emails? Thanks!

asked Oct 24, 2012 by mpaul (360 points)
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We are on 3.3.8507. We are using Adaxes to prepare users for deletion. Adaxes change the Exchange attribute to "msExchHideFromAddressLists=true". When we check our Exchange ... and they disappear. The Adaxes method does not seem to truly hide them. Ideas?

asked Oct 18, 2012 by It_helpdesk (280 points)
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We're finding more and more that we would like the ability to configure a home page action that can target objects from multiple OUs. In other words, under "Object Selection ... LDAP filter but was hoping you all might know a way around this. Thanks in advance

asked Oct 16, 2012 by VTPatsFan (610 points)
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Hi everyone! We are considering this product for our helpdesk, but one of our most used operations, is logging users off from their Citrix/terminalserver session. Has anyone tried scripting this into the Adaxes program? Any answers would be greatly appriciated

asked Oct 16, 2012 by kjesoo (960 points)
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Hello, A new question : when I create a new contact in Adaxes, I'd like the email address automatically created. How can I do this ? Thanks for your response. Yoann

asked Oct 15, 2012 by yoann.hamon (180 points)
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Is there a way to run a custom powershell command on the users who are added or removed from a group?

asked Oct 12, 2012 by queenbee (20 points)
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I have a custom command that runs a powershell script that works just fine but it takes a long time to run. When I run it on the server as just the powershell ... that the browser eventually times out. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening? Thanks!

asked Oct 12, 2012 by bemho (520 points)
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We are currently evaluating Adaxes to replace ADUC for our help desk. As a nationwide organization we find on occasion the need to attach ADUC to our west coast domain ... local users. How have Adaxes users handled situations such as this? Thanks... Bob

asked Oct 11, 2012 by bgelety (20 points)
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I may have missed this but is it possible after modifying the membership of a group to produce a log of the changes made? It would be nice to have a confirmation of which users were added/removed from a group after the change took place. Thanks!

asked Oct 11, 2012 by VTPatsFan (610 points)
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The Advanced Search in the Domain Find(CTRL-F3) function allows you to select a custom Active Directory field(added by IT, not a windows default AD field). When you ... helpful to have a Contains, Does not Contain logical operator in the Find function. Thanks!

asked Oct 11, 2012 by mpaul (360 points)
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Hello, Currently, in LDAP browser of Administration Console, we can view only five columns in result search screen. Could you offer to view any attribute in future release? Thanks a lot for your response Yoann

asked Oct 4, 2012 by yoann.hamon (180 points)
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Hi, Is there a way to build a list of allowed values for an attribute based on the value of another attribute? I explain: I'd like that allowed values of department ... a common usage, but it would be really usefull for us. Thanks for your response, Yoann

asked Oct 4, 2012 by yoann.hamon (180 points)
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Hi, Group memberships are kept when using "User Copy" function. Is it possible to do the same thing between two existing users ? (custom commands or else) Thanks for your response, Yoann

asked Oct 4, 2012 by yoann.hamon (180 points)
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Is there a recommended or documented method for backup/recovery of the ADAXES system? Having upgraded at least once, i know that there are two backup utilities, one ... .htm#upgrade) as they are command-line scriptable but would like some confirmation. Thanks!

asked Oct 3, 2012 by VTPatsFan (610 points)
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As there's no built-in way (at least that I can find) to create new reports I was going to try and create one myself using a scheduled task. I'm trying to create a report ... this to work? I'd like one email with all the users, not one email per user. Thanks!

asked Oct 3, 2012 by bemho (520 points)
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Hi Adaxes team, Not an issue but i'd like to have your feedback on Powershell scripts (in BR or Custom commands). Powershell remoting (i mean invoking Exchange ... to invoke Exchange cmdlet in Adaxes scripts or do you have any recommendation ? Thanks Stephen

asked Oct 2, 2012 by sroux (800 points)
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