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Hi, is it possible to change the language for the admin console only from german to english? The Webinterface must not be affected. Best regards Manuel

asked Nov 4, 2011 by IPW-IT (90 points)
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Hi, I would like to launch a script to optimize photo to 96x96 when photo is updated. I use a command line to do the job but i can figure out how to get the photo ... Any chance Adaxes stores the photo in a temp folder before it loads it to AD ? Thanks Stephen

asked Nov 2, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, I've installed Adaxes 2011.3 beta and I've noticed that some users are now marked with a new icon. What does it mean?

asked Oct 26, 2011 by jmirks (180 points)
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Hi, i have a question about the description of attributes in the webinterface. Is it possible to rename the individual descriptions of the ad attributes in the user ... in the webinterface to "badge number" for a easier understanding? Best regards Manuel

asked Oct 21, 2011 by IPW-IT (90 points)
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Hello, We are glad to inform you that we've released Adaxes 2011.3 beta that includes the Password Self-Service feature. Download links: Adaxes 2011.3 beta x64 ... the announced Scheduled Tasks feature. This feature will be available in the release version.

asked Oct 20, 2011 by Eugene Pavlov (18.0k points)
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When passwords expire, how a user can change own password via the web interface? Or would an administrator have to change users' passwords?

asked Oct 18, 2011 by bambor (40 points)
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Hi there ! I wan to implement a custom command that will remove a user from all disitribution groups : Import-Module Adaxes Get-AdmGroup -Filter { mail -like "*" } | Where { ( ... host does not implement it. I can't see what i'm doing wrong... Thanks Stephen

asked Sep 27, 2011 by sroux (800 points)
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Hi, Is it possible to automatically move a user from OU with the help of a query?

asked Sep 20, 2011 by nabethmon (20 points)
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Hello Does Adaxes support SBS setups?

asked Sep 16, 2011 by abdutal (110 points)
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Hi, How to set up Business Rule to automatically mail-enable new groups?

asked Sep 16, 2011 by bambor (40 points)
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Is there a way to create user accounts in bulk via the web interface? Account operators will only have access through the web interface, so this is important.

asked Sep 8, 2011 by abdutal (110 points)
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Is it possible to pass credentials to Adaxes web interface in order to skip log on?

asked Sep 7, 2011 by abdutal (110 points)
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Hello, Is there a PowerShell command or Adaxes property for user currently logged on to Adaxes?

asked Sep 7, 2011 by jmirks (180 points)
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Hi, Can I use a PS script to call Adaxes with a list of users or computer and run through it? For example, PS script checks for users NotLoggedOnFor 30 days and sends this list to Adaxes to disable accounts.

asked Sep 6, 2011 by minhe (60 points)
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Hi, I need to delete a Business Unit. Is it correct that deleting a Business Unit will not delete anything from Active Directory?

asked Sep 6, 2011 by abdutal (110 points)
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How to I block users from running custom commands? i can't locate this functionality. :?:

asked Sep 2, 2011 by BeaconlightBoy (80 points)
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Hello, is possible to send an automatic email when the user's password is near to expired ? regards

asked Aug 31, 2011 by Zio (80 points)
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Hello, I downloaded the latest version of the software but once done the standard setup, it's impossible to access by web interface. The Service is Up and running on port 80. Whats Wrong ?

asked Aug 31, 2011 by Zio (80 points)
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It appears as though you cannot call a custom command, from within a custom command. is this correct? if so, that is rather limiting as there are many tasks that can ... rule called 'Printer access for bldg1' and use it in other custom commands. :mrgreen:

asked Aug 29, 2011 by BeaconlightBoy (80 points)
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Can I configure Adaxes service to send emails to HR staff after user creation and/or password change? I need this email to contain User Full Name (%username%) and password (is there a reference for this?)

asked Aug 23, 2011 by jmirks (180 points)
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