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I would like to set the Hire Date of a user to the CustomAttributeDate2. Using your script to create users from a csv file. I have tried "Hire Date" = " ... for me to get that data into the customAttribute in adaxes? Add something to the script.

asked Jan 10, 2023 by mightycabal (1.0k points)
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Hi We've removed some AzureAD groups from the Azure portal and confirmed these are deleted - they aren't even in the Deleted groups any more, but they are still showing in ... to be expected and is there a way to clean up these groups in Adaxes? Thanks Matt

asked Jan 5, 2023 by chappers77 (2.0k points)
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In Adaxes 2021, it appears you can edit Exchange Online calendar permissions for users and shared mailboxes, but not resource mailboxes. Considering resource mailboxes are often used ... purposes, why have they been excluded? Is there a way to include them?

asked Jan 5, 2023 by tjackson111 (60 points)
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Is it possible to disable a specific action and/or condition block in a custom command or scheduled task? The main use case would be to make troubleshooting easier without ... as well as the ability to disable an entire condition block from the context menu.

asked Jan 4, 2023 by ngb (290 points)
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In user details or user details column, can we give visibility to our admins for SSPR Phone number and email used to do self-service pwd reset, and also the status. It can be through a report or available as a column.

asked Jan 4, 2023 by mchaudh (40 points)
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When I start the installation process on the the Adaxes server I get this: So I have to uninstall Adaxes (old version) to install the new? Why wouldn't this be an in ... to do this everytime a new version comes out? Am I starting the process off incorrectly?

asked Jan 2, 2023 by mightycabal (1.0k points)
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We have a potentially complicated sitaution and so far I have no found a solution. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. We have specific security groups that ... or see any user details other than the memberships for these specific security groups.

asked Jan 2, 2023 by WannabeGuru (20 points)
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I would like to create a scheduled task to search for specific AD groups based on part of the name and automatically be added to the Business Unit. I am not finding much online about it and it doesn't appear to be an OOB thing in Scheduled Tasks.

asked Dec 29, 2022 by msheppard (660 points)
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We will be migrating from the default logging in the SQL Express database to a fully licenses MS SQL Server database. We would like for the existing logs to be ported over as well.

asked Dec 28, 2022 by bsteele (90 points)
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I know it is based on an attribute held in adaxes. What info does adaxes look at to determine the date? Just want to understand how the cake is baked.

asked Dec 26, 2022 by mightycabal (1.0k points)
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#!/bin/python3 import requests import json baseUrl = "https://xxxxxxxxxx/restApi" endpoint = "/api/authSessions/create" # Request parameters requestUrl = baseUrl + endpoint ... either expired or invalid.', 'code': 'unauthenticated'} Could you please suggesst

asked Dec 26, 2022 by udathakarthic (40 points)
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Hi, Is there a way I can create a rule based group or scheduled task in which the Direct reports of the direct reports are added to a group? So for example: CEO VP's ... in the list that no longer reports to a manager who reports to the CEO. Thanks in advance

asked Dec 22, 2022 by gareth.aylward (180 points)
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Hi, I am looking to build a report whereby all users within a specific OU (Disabled and forwarding). The report will return users who have been inactive for 90 days along with ... do this. Could someone give me the script to be able to do this please? Thanks!

asked Dec 20, 2022 by gareth.aylward (180 points)
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Greetings. When I create the parameters to make a business rule that looks for users whose Email Proxy Adresses does not contain 'SMTP:%userPrincipalName%', it still generates profiles ... and primary SMTP address don't match. Version is 2023 How rule is set

asked Dec 19, 2022 by MShep (80 points)
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So I modifyed the Script so that it can also search for the Public Folder Access as Owner. But i my getting an Error message. { $exchangeServer ... folders to report $searcher = $Context.CreateGuidBasedSearcher($guidsBytes) $Context.Items.Add($searcher)

asked Dec 19, 2022 by Sandberg94 (340 points)
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Hi, Is there a way to store information throughout the running of a custom command? For instance, when creating a user, we use a custom command to move the user ... the entire process with the information, rather than 5 or 6 generated throughout the process.

asked Dec 16, 2022 by gareth.aylward (180 points)
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We have a hybrid environment with On-Prem AD and Azure AD. We currently have our On-Prem AD registered (See screenshot). For us to take advantage of the Azure AD management feature ... need register Azure AD domain as well as our On-Prem AD at the same time?

asked Dec 15, 2022 by Tfarmer (160 points)
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We have been able to add email addresses using the script in E-Mail Addresses Is there a way to reverse the process and specify the smtp address you want to remove using a similar subset of code.

asked Dec 14, 2022 by martin.mcclorey (40 points)
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Dear colleagues, can you please advise if it is possible to create (and update reqularly) business unit of computer objects based on a query to external SQL DB (hostnames stored in SQL)? Thanks!

asked Dec 14, 2022 by Dmytro.Rudyi (920 points)
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Hi, I need a bit of scripting help within Adaxes. We have a number of o365 licence checks that occur, some on a schedule, some before creating a ... $to -from $from -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Subject $messageSubject -Body $messageBody Remove-PSSession $session

asked Dec 13, 2022 by gazoco (490 points)
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