PowerShell module overview

Adaxes PowerShell module allows you to use Adaxes cmdlets to perform various administrative, configuration, and diagnostic tasks. You can use the module to manage users, computers, groups and organizational units (OUs) in all the domains managed by Adaxes.

To use the Adaxes PowerShell module, you need to install the PowerShell module component of Adaxes.

PowerShell module cmdlets

The following table lists all the cmdlets that are available in Adaxes PowerShell module.

All cmdlets in the Adaxes PowerShell module have the Adm prefix on their nouns, for example, New-AdmUser or Enable-AdmAccount.

To get a list of all cmdlets in the Adaxes PowerShell module, you can use the Get-Command -Module Adaxes command. For more information about any of the module cmdlets, use the Get-Help <cmdlet name> cmdlet, where <cmdlet name> is the name of the cmdlet that you want to research. For more detailed information, you can run any of the following cmdlets:

  • Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Full
  • Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Detailed
  • Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Examples

Operations on directory objects can be performed either via the Adaxes service, or by directly accessing Active Directory domain controllers. When using the Adaxes Service as a proxy, you benefit from Adaxes features like Active Directory automation, workflow rules, data validation policies, audit and reporting.

If you want an operation to be performed via the Adaxes Service, specify the AdaxesService parameter:

Enable-AdmAccount -Identity johnSmith -AdaxesService localhost

The AdaxesService parameter is mandatory for operations in a Microsoft Entra domain.

Active Directory module provider

You can use the Adaxes Active Directory module provider to easily navigate and access data that is stored in Active Directory. The Active Directory module provider exposes the Active Directory database through a hierarchical navigation system, which is very similar to the file system. For example, while you are using the module, you can use the following commands to navigate through Active Directory:

  • cd
  • dir
  • remove
  • .
  • ..

You can use the Active Directory module provider to map Active Directory domains to specific provider drives. When the Active Directory module is first loaded, a default Active Directory drive (Adaxes:) is mounted. To connect to that drive, run the cd Adaxes: command. To connect a new drive to an Active Directory domain, use the following cmdlet:

New-PSDrive -Name <name of the drive> -PSProvider AdaxesActiveDirectory
    -Root "Adaxes:/[<Adaxes service host>/[<domain (NetBIOS/FQDN)>[<base DN>]]]"
    -Credential <domain name>\<username>
  • Parameter

  • Description

  • –Name <name of the drive>

  • Specifies the name of the drive that is being added.

  • –PSProvider AdaxesActiveDirectory

  • The name of the provider, in this case, AdaxesActiveDirectory.

  • –Root

  • Possible values:

    • <Adaxes service host> - the DNS name or IP address of the computer where your Adaxes service is running.
    • <domain (NetBIOS/FQDN)> - the Netbios or FQDN name of the AD domain.
    • <base DN> - the distinguished name (DN) of an Active Directory object (e.g. CN=Users,DC=mycompany,DC=com).
  • –Credential <domain name>\<username>

  • Optional parameter that specifies the credentials that you must have to connect to the Adaxes service. If this parameter is ommitted, the credentials of the currently logged on user will be used.


New-PSDrive -Name "MyDrive" -PSProvider AdaxesActiveDirectory `
    -Root "Adaxes:/adaxeshost.company.com/domain.com/CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com"

See also