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We used to have approvals set up for certain scheduled tasks. The approvers sat in a specific group and took turns each week to go through them. I have since removed the need to approve since we're pushing for more automation. However, some people are still receiving the approvals via e-mail and a new member of staff who just joined this week 13/04/2023 has been spammed with thousands of approval e-mails dating all the way back to mid 2022. The approval e-mail states which scheduled task is responsible for the approval request, but when I look in the Adaxes Administration Console, the need to approve has definitely been removed.

Any ideas?

by (350 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Most probably, you have lots of unprocessed approval requests created by the scheduled task and there is a reminder configured. For information on how to check all the pending approval requests, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/AllPendingApprovalRequests. If necessary, you can directly process them.

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