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Hi, To make Adaxes fit in with other tools I wanted to change the text in the web ui for some options and have found the Strings resx files where some of this is ... "Basket" xml:space="preserve"> <value>My List</value> </data> Thank you

asked Oct 13, 2014 by dazbo (390 points)
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Hi, Within the view user web interface form the Exchange properties are very useful, but I can't find a way to limit/validate any changes made in there. For ... addresses. Are there any hooks via Business Rules or Property Patterns for this section? Thanks

asked Oct 10, 2014 by dazbo (390 points)
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Hi, We're running Adaxes 2013.1. Currently we have the Self Service website disabled, but we would like to enable it for self password change and self password ... configure Adaxes so the password change from the Self Service website is immediate? Thank you

asked Oct 9, 2014 by theckel (520 points)
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Question - As we're heading into the final (already) quarter of 2014, I've started to wonder what the next release of ADAXES will look like and specifically what features you all are ... this would be available out of the box. If so, I'll just wait :) Thanks!

asked Oct 8, 2014 by VTPatsFan (610 points)
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Is there a way to generate a list of disabled accounts that have direct reports?

asked Oct 8, 2014 by Infounlim (470 points)
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Hi, In our environment the CN (Name) for a user in AD is randomly generated to ensure uniqueness as everything uses UPN or Display Name for identification. Is it possible to hide ... not in the list? If not, can I change the column heading to Unique ID? Thanks

asked Oct 8, 2014 by dazbo (390 points)
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Hello! We have allowed our users to update their own photo through the Adaxes web interface. Of course we have also hinted at the optimum dimensions and size, and of course ... this feature. Is there any way to limit file size and/or dimensions? Best regards

asked Oct 8, 2014 by eventit (160 points)
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We experienced today that one of our managed domains became unreachable. That gave us, what i would call, a wierd problem: The user 'user1@domail1.local' can't be logged in. ... on one of the managed domains stop a user from logging in to the web interface??

asked Oct 8, 2014 by kjesoo (960 points)
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Running into an issue on a new test server...I cannot find recommended versions of Azure AD nor MSOL on the site. I downloaded the newest versions and I'm receiving the error below. Has anyone ran into this issue before? Server 2012R2 X64 patched etc

asked Oct 8, 2014 by ABrownVA (90 points)
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Is it possible to script having users added (or removed) from a Security Group based on another AD Attribute? I have found ways to do this in Powershell (something like): ... just utilize the PS script and just run it through Adaxes on a timed fashion? Thanks!

asked Oct 7, 2014 by PunkinDonuts (360 points)
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Hello How to unlock multiple(all) users in Adaxes? Is it possible to enable link 'select all objects on all pages' in "Unlock account" menu .... or use powershell... :? :? :? :?: Thanks I have Adaxws Web I-face 2012.1

asked Oct 7, 2014 by andrey (50 points)
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As part of our (legacy) deprovisioning script (run by hand / not part of Adaxes), the user's home folder is moved to a folder tree of the format: !disabled\< ... have to resort to a PS script for that rather than allowing Adaxes to handle it internally.

asked Oct 6, 2014 by bradenmcg (260 points)
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Hello, The server that I am running Adaxes on has PowerShell v3 installed, however all the scripts in my business rules seem to be using version 2 which does not have some of the commands I need. Is it possible to use Powershell V3 within Adaxes? Thanks

asked Oct 6, 2014 by dazbo (390 points)
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I have set up a process where approval is required for a user to add additional groups to a parent group. This process generates an email for each group that the parent ... that the approval is only required once for all the groups added in a single action?

asked Oct 6, 2014 by AndyW (100 points)
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Running 2014.1 here. Is it possible to expose Exchange "CustomAttributes" (may actually be called "ExtensionAttribute" with Ex2013) for viewing / editing via the Web ... then manually add "extensionAttribute#" for each attribute I want to view / edit.

asked Oct 5, 2014 by bradenmcg (260 points)
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Does anyone know of a good method of finding the other computers in the current configuration set? I'm messing around with some logging features and I'd like ... be able to dynamically ascertain that information rather than relying on a hardcoded collection.

asked Sep 26, 2014 by jasonpbrown (50 points)
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Hi there How do I add more "objects" in "Selected objects" when I choose another "user" it shows only that one in "Selected objects" For instance as I would like to change the expiry date Thanks Wally

asked Sep 25, 2014 by Wally (210 points)
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When a user is editing their information on the self service website, I need them to enter data into the extentionAttribute2 field. This needs to be a multi-line field so the ... as a single line text field. Is this possible to do in Adaxes? Thanks in advance

asked Sep 24, 2014 by dannyd (200 points)
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When creating business rules I quite often find myself having to create overly complex workflows because we can't use ELSE or BREAK statements. An example would be:- ... am I missing something in how to construct business rules that mimics their use? Thanks

asked Sep 23, 2014 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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I am having an issue with home folder moves between servers. When I move a folder between servers, using Adaxes, the user permissions are lost. I know that this is expected ... to re-assign the user permissions so they can access their home folder again :?:

asked Sep 23, 2014 by rmedeiros (380 points)
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