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I'm not able to retrieve the Description of a user using ADSI. I'm trying user.Get("description").ToString() on IADsUser I get the error, The 'description' property cannot be found in the cache. Is there a different method I need to use to get Description?

asked Feb 6, 2017 by sdavidson (730 points)
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I'm currently running a SQL SPROC from within powershell, getting a value, and attempting to assign that value to an AD attribute. Everything goes fine getting the value, but ... avoid calling PS from within PS to load the module and run the command. Thanks!

asked Feb 3, 2017 by gmadd13 (50 points)
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Hi, Does someone already have a script that I can run as a scheduled task that will email a list of enabled active directory accounts that have exchange mailboxes? I ... First, Middle, Last, Title, Location and Email address. Any assistance is appreciated.

asked Feb 2, 2017 by mdedmon (150 points)
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Hello Support We are working on a new username and email policy and we want to add a NEW alias to each user (9000) and make it primary. We also need to check if it ... and if not add a random two digit to the email address. ex.

asked Feb 1, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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We were wondering if Adaxes has a script available to create AS400 accounts during the AD creation. This will allow us to totally automate the new hire process going forward.

asked Jan 26, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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Is it possible to restrict entire OU's from licensing, rather than on a per-object basis? We may have a requirement, due to a corporate merger, to remotely adminster a ... 'd be looking to exclude all OU's but those containing 'our' users etc. Thanks

asked Jan 25, 2017 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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Hi Is it possible to create a 100% custom form to extend Adaxes functionality further? For example, my company has a number of agencies whose data is currently in a big ... 't end up with thousands of obsolete security groups. Hoping you can help Thanks Matt

asked Jan 23, 2017 by chappers77 (2.0k points)
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Hello smart people! I've been tasked with removing the ability in Office365 for users to record their Skype meetings. I have the PowerShell to make that happen via ... ", working. Any assistance in replacing or re-writing would be greatly appreciated!!

asked Jan 19, 2017 by 3Jake (150 points)
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Hello all, I'm working on adding a folder creation step to one of our scripts which executes after account creation. When I run the commandlets themselves in Powershell, they process ... \" + %username% + ":(OI)(CI)(M)" icacls.exe $newPath /grant $UserandPerms

asked Jan 18, 2017 by ctdhelpdesk (190 points)
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Hello all, I'm sure this is possible, but I'm confused on a few points. I'm trying to set up the security role and matching homepage action that will allow a user ... I'd like to use the least amount of permissions possible, just for security's sake. Thanks!

asked Jan 18, 2017 by ctdhelpdesk (190 points)
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We found this script for updating group membership by department: ... t-s403.htm However we would like it to be based off of jobCode instead. Also it is this is a department template, how would we create those?

asked Jan 18, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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We need to be able to put the name of the person requesting a account be disabled into the following custom command. We have in the past changed the description line to reflect ... in the script below but it did not stop and allow input. Can you advise?

asked Jan 18, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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We have a potential use-case to connect our existing Adaxes install to a secondary AD domain (over a "VPN" with no IP broadcast availability). I know managing multiple AD' ... domain and defining a set DC to connect to intially and for all future actions. Rgds

asked Jan 18, 2017 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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I have several windows powershell scripts that work perfectly with AD- however, I can not get these to run as an Adaxes script (Scheduled Task) It is very simple, as ... Rename-Item -Path PDL-Members.csv -NewName PDL-Members_Con1_$(Get-Date -f yyyy_MM_dd).csv

asked Jan 17, 2017 by alextame (70 points)
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hello! need some help asap! i need to show a report of a group with its members, which has multiple nested groups and its group. How can i get this info?

asked Jan 13, 2017 by MeliOnTheJob (1.7k points)
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Is there anyone who has a solution for this task: When creating a computer object through Adaxes I would like it to be get the next available name automatic from AD. For ... 001, PC-002 the next time a computer is created it should get PC-003 automatically.

asked Jan 13, 2017 by niclas.eriksson (260 points)
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We are trying to create a custom command to create a new network share folder and offline PST file for new users. Do you have any documentation to start our process with>

asked Jan 10, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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We have several contractors that come and go, it would be helpful to have a custom command that will copy only the member of groups from one user to another. We have done this previously with ... ; write-warning "I'm sorry, Jay. I'm afraid I can't do that." }

asked Jan 9, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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We are looking to create a dashboard that has read only capabilities. We want some IT users they are working support functions to be able to check AD data without the ability to modify any data. Is this pre-built or do you have instructions on achieving this?

asked Jan 9, 2017 by willy-wally (3.2k points)
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Hello, Is there a french language pack available for password self-service policies secret questions ? Thanks

asked Jan 9, 2017 by joris.decombe (50 points)
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