Use templates for user creation
You can facilitate the process of user account creation in Adaxes web interface by using templates. When you create a new user from a template, the properties of the template account are copied to the new user. Optionally, group membership and Microsoft 365 license assignments are copied as well. This eliminates several steps from manual user creation making it much faster and simpler.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to add an action to the Actions pane to allow creating user accounts from a template.
Open Adaxes Web interface configurator.
On the computer where Web interface configurator is installed, open Windows Start menu.
Click Adaxes Web Interface Configurator.
To configure the web interface, you need to have the appropriate permissions.
The permissions to configure the web interface are delegated via security roles. By default, only service administrators have the appropriate permissions. To enable other users to configure the web interface, grant them the corresponding permissions.
To create a security role that grants the permissions to configure web interface:
In Adaxes administration console, right-click your Adaxes service, point to New and click Security Role.
Enter a name for the new security role and click Next.
On the Permissions step, click the down arrow embedded into the Add button and click Configure Web Interface.
Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard.
In the top left corner, select the web interface you want to customize.
In the left navigation menu, click Actions.
Click the Add button located at the bottom of the Actions section.
To add an action to a particular group, select the group prior to clicking the Add button.
Select Copy User and click Next.
On the General step, provide a name and a description for the new action. Change the icon associated with the action if necessary.
When done, click Next.
On the Object selection step, configure which accounts can be used as a template.
Specific object
To always use the same template, select the Specific object option and specify a user account.
Objects selected by the user
To allow selecting a template each time the action is executed, select the Objects selected by the user option.
Users who execute this action will be able to select a template only from the accounts they have the rights to view. For details on how to configure these rights, see Hide directory objects from users.
The following options let you impose additional restrictions on which accounts can be selected as a template.
Restrict top level nodes
This option restricts where users can browse for templates. They will be able to browse only in containers located under the selected top level nodes.
Enable the Restrict top level nodes checkbox.
Add top level nodes in the dialog that opens.
If you change the display name of a top level node, it will be changed in this action only.
Click OK when finished.
Set criteria
This option limits template selection to accounts that meet specific criteria.
Enable the Set criteria checkbox.
Configure the criteria in the dialog that opens.
For example, if your template names start with an underscore, you can use the following criteria:
Click OK when finished.
Click Next to proceed.
On the Location selection step, configure the options for selecting the organizational unit or container where new users will be created.
For details on how to limit location selection, see Configure Actions pane.
When done, click Next.
On the Form step, you can customize the user creation form. For example, you can hide the fields that are already populated in the template account and should not be changed. To customize the form:
Select the Use custom form option.
Click Configure.
Modify the form to fit your needs and click OK.
For details on how to customize forms, see Customize forms for user creation and editing.
Predefined fields
You can configure predefined values for certain fields on the form. These values will override the existing property values of the template account and the default values generated by the relevant property pattern.
You can also make predefined values depend on the signed-in user. To do this, you need to use value references. Value references will be replaced with the property values of the signed-in user. For example, %company% will be replaced with the value of the user's Company property.
You can use the Insert value reference
button to quickly insert a value reference into a field.
When done, click Next.
On the Copy options step, configure what else besides the property values will be copied from the template account.
Selected by default
These options control whether the Copy group membership and Copy Microsoft 365 licenses checkboxes will be enabled by default every time this action is executed.
Allow to preview and modify
These options allow the user who executes the action to preview the list of groups and licenses that will be copied from the template, and skip copying some of them if necessary.
Groups that cannot be copied due to native AD or Entra ID restrictions will automatically be skipped regardless of the option status.
Allow modifying apps
This option allows the user who executes the action to change which apps will be enabled within the copied Microsoft 365 licenses.
When done, click Next.
On the Visibility step, you can configure who will be able to see the action in the web interface.
The visibility of an action already depends on the permissions of the signed-in user (granted via security roles). If a user doesn't have the rights to create users, the action will not be available and even visible on their Actions pane.
However, in some cases you might need to explicitly hide an action from certain users or groups. For example, if you configured several Copy user actions, they will all be available to everyone who has the rights to create users, unless you restrict their visibility.
The visibility settings of your new action can be copied from another action. To do this, click the down arrow button in the top right corner and select Copy settings from another action.
When done, click Next and then click Finish.
Save the changes.