Check for updates
Adaxes service
To check whether a newer version of Adaxes service is available and whether the current license can be used for the new version:
Launch Adaxes Administration console.
How { #collapse1}
On the computer where Adaxes Administration console is installed, open Windows Start menu.
Click Adaxes Administration Console.
In the Console Tree, right-click the Adaxes service (the
icon represents service nodes).
In the context menu, click Properties.
On the General tab, click Check for Updates.
Administration console
To check whether a newer version of Adaxes Administration console is available:
Launch Adaxes Administration console.
How { #collapse1}
On the computer where Adaxes Administration console is installed, open Windows Start menu.
Click Adaxes Administration Console.
In the main menu, click Help.
In the drop-down menu, click Check for Updates.
Customize update notification
By default, a notification is automatically displayed in the Output pane when a new version of Adaxes Administration console is available. To configure the notification settings:
Launch Adaxes Administration console.
How { #collapse1}
On the computer where Adaxes Administration console is installed, open Windows Start menu.
Click Adaxes Administration Console.
In the main menu, click Tools.
In the drop-down menu, click Options.
Activate the Automatic Updates tab.
Select the required time period next to Automatically check for the product updates. If you want to disable the notification, clear the Automatically check for the product updates checkbox.