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Hello, I'm wondering why i'am missing Domain-DNS object type. Running latest version 3.16.21906.0 (64 bit). I'm running with domain admin & adaxes service ... -custom-commands-scheduled-reports-and-scheduled-tasks-s394.htm This is my Object Type list:

asked Apr 1 by PeterS (40 points)
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Is there a way to extend the Get-AdmGroupMember for easier cloud user management and better expressing the actual "user" object your working with? https://www ... -60d8-49a9-aebb-0000000000 SID : S-1-15-000000000000-3621557498-1235837144-3060644782-00000000000

asked Apr 1 by PeterS (40 points)
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I'm trying to modify this report to only output results where employeeType equals the values below. It reports fine. I would also like to include where employeeType ... = "(&" + $filterUsers + $filterPasswordLastSet + $customAttribute + $enabledUser + ")"

asked Mar 28 by tromanko (330 points)
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Hello team, our users are created by HR system into AD and have the start date as string in extensionAttribute2 with a prefix (like "startdate_2024-01-02"). Sometimes the user ... "Employee" Do you have a script in place to achieve this? Thanks in advance.

asked Mar 26 by wintec01 (1.5k points)
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Is there a way to create a Business Unit that includes all Users in a OU that a Manager is in the ManagedBy field?

asked Mar 21 by dominik.stawny (280 points)
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I have made a deprovision custom command. I cannot change the attribute directReports, so was thinking - i could take the people in the directReports field of the manager ... (and its subordinates) that im running the deprovision custom command from. Any tips?

asked Mar 21 by EdgarsABG (110 points)
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Hello, we are in a migration phase from Exchange onPrem to Exchange Online. Since not all of our sites will be migrated at one time we are looking into a way to migrate ... an alerting / sending out a mail if the batch is not succesful? Thanks and KR Christian

asked Mar 21 by User0815 (50 points)
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Is it possible to setup a scheduled task for password expiration notifier to send one email a day for accounts whose password will expire in less than X amount of days that have ... expiring on the same day. There will be a lot of emails going at once.

asked Mar 20 by tromanko (330 points)
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Hello, I would like to ensure that before a computer object is moved in Adaxes, the user must enter a ticket number, and after the input, the PC is moved to ... prompts the user to enter a ticket number before the move/delete operation? Kind regards, Fabian

asked Mar 20 by fabian.p (380 points)
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2 answers

I've had a couple custom commands configured since 6/2023 and they've been working just fine up until recently (sometime within the past few weeks or so). Here's a general ... something obvious here. But I can't make sense of why this is suddenly an issue.

asked Mar 20 by msinger (210 points)
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I added a chart based on report "soon-to-expire passwords" to the homepage. In Adaxes console, it will show a chart with time/date of when the password will expire. In the ... the report in web interface, it will show data but the chart will still be blank.

asked Mar 20 by tromanko (330 points)
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I'd like some help with a script to revoke a users rights to a shared mailbox upon being removed from a security group. I already have the reverse, a script that adds users to a shared mailbox, if they are a member of a group, now I just need the reverse.

asked Mar 20 by dominik.stawny (280 points)
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What I'm trying to accomplish: user should have access to modify certain accounts where customTextAttribute2="test" (example). When I modify the criteria under "object selection" ... to query custom attributes or do you have to use AD attributes for this?

asked Mar 19 by tromanko (330 points)
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Hello, When a user is disabled ( we would like to to perform a check if a user account "" exists in ... email with this information. Could this be done with powershell? Best Regards, Maarten

asked Mar 18 by maarten.vaes (70 points)
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Hej ho, If my session timed out and I refresh the page or even pages, everytime I start on home - no matter which object was opened before. Thats kind of annoying, if you opened 10+ objects and then time out kicks in :D Is this something we can change?

asked Mar 15 by wintec01 (1.5k points)
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Upgraded to the latest adaxes release yesterday and now this morning we are not able to access our self-service portal. We have rebooted our server and verified our adaxes service is successfully connected our domains. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

asked Mar 14 by dhodgin (40 points)
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Hi team, I have a few questions about approval flows How can I send approval to individual user (stored in an custom attribute)? How can I do actions based on request is ... -> set accountExpire +6 Months if denied -> do nothing and account will expire

asked Mar 13 by wintec01 (1.5k points)
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Hi I'm trying to add a second tenant to my Adaxes setup, but I'm getting an error of insufficient privileges to complete the operation. I'm using an account with ... rights in Adaxes and the secret is definitely right, what am I missing? Thanks Matt

asked Mar 13 by chappers77 (2.0k points)
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So what is the bestway of establishing multiple ownership over user objects? I can assign each user a single owner, but then there is no way to assign a 2nd manager to manage those users, in case the first one is sick etc.

asked Mar 13 by dominik.stawny (280 points)
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