Customize forms for user creation and editing

You can customize how objects are displayed in Adaxes web interface and configure forms for their creation, modification, and renaming. In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the view and forms for user accounts.

  1. Open Adaxes web interface configurator.

    • On the computer where Web interface configurator is installed, open Windows Start menu.

    • Click Adaxes Web Interface Configurator.

    To configure the web interface, you need to have the appropriate permissions.


    The permissions to configure the web interface are delegated via security roles. By default, only service administrators have the appropriate permissions. To enable other users to configure the web interface, grant them the corresponding permissions.

    To create a security role that grants the permissions to configure web interface:

    • In Adaxes administration console, right-click your Adaxes service, point to New and click Security Role.

    • Enter a name for the new security role and click Next.

    • On the Permissions step, click the down arrow embedded into the Add button and click Configure Web Interface.

    • Click Next and follow the steps in the wizard.

  2. In the top left corner, select the web interface you want to customize.

  3. In the left navigation menu, click Management.

  4. In the Forms and views section, select User in the drop-down list.

    My account

    The configuration of the forms and views can be different depending on whether a user is viewing/editing their own account or accounts of other users. To modify the settings for the own account, select My account in the drop-down list.

    By default, My account is available only in the Self-service web interface. To use separate forms and views for My account in another web interface, you need to add the My account object type.

     How {.mb-0}
    • Expand the drop-down list of object types, and then click More.

    • In the dialog that opens, click Add and select My account.

    • Click OK.

  5. Activate the View, Create, Update, or Rename tab depending on whether you want to customize the user view or the forms for creating, modifying, and renaming users.


    Activate View to configure how a user is displayed in the web interface – what properties are visible, how are they grouped and arranged, what operations are available, etc.

     Screenshot: View

    Activate Create to configure the form for the Create operation.

     Screenshot: Create

    Activate Update to configure the form for the Edit operation.

     Screenshot: Update

    Activate Rename to configure the form for the Rename operation.

     Screenshot: Rename

    Forms are configured for the corresponding operations, but actions on the Actions pane can have individual customized forms. For details on configuring actions, see Configure Actions pane.


    The information on forms and views is divided into sections.

     How to configure sections

    To configure a section, select it and modify its settings on the right side. To add, edit, delete, and move the sections, use the buttons located under the list of sections.

    You can configure different forms and views for objects from Active Directory and Microsoft Entra domains. Use the AD / Entra ID switcher to do this.

    The switcher is available only if you manage both, Active Directory and Microsoft Entra domains, and if different forms are supported for the selected object type.

    Settings of a section for Microsoft Entra ID can be applied to an Active Directory section and vice versa. Click the down arrow button below the section configuration, and select the option you need.


    Also, settings of the entire view or form can be applied to another web interface or copied from it. Click the down arrow button next to the object type, and select the option you need.


    Section description

    You can add a description to a section. The description is displayed in the section header.

     How to add section description {id=howtoadddescription}
    • In the list of sections, select a section and click Edit.

    • In the Description field, enter a description.

    • Click OK.

    Hiding sections

    A section can be hidden by default under the More button located at the bottom of the form.

     How to hide a section by default
    • In the list of sections, select a section and click Edit.

    • In the dialog that opens, select the Collapsed by default checkbox.

    • Click OK.

    Section navigation

    If a form contains a lot of sections, you can enable section navigation links.

    Edit button

    Each section on an object view can have an Edit button that allows users to edit one section at a time instead of invoking a full modification form. This button can be enabled separately for each section.

     How to enable the Edit button
    • In the list of sections, select a section and click Edit.

    • In the dialog that opens, select the Edit button checkbox.

    • Click OK.


    Some fields can have extra settings, depending on their data type. For example, you can restrict which objects can be selected in the Manager field or hide certain account options. If a field is configurable, a Configure button will be present next to it.

    To add, edit, delete, and move the fields within a section, use the buttons located under the Fields list.

     Screenshot {.mb-0}

    Custom fields

    Forms and views can contain custom fields of different data types.

    You can use Adaxes virtual properties as custom fields in forms and views. These properties can be used as any other property of directory objects, but are available only in Adaxes. Each virtual property has CustomAttribute as a part of its name, for example, adm-CustomAttributeText1, adm-CustomAttributeDate3, and adm-CustomAttributeObject2.

     How to add a custom field { #howtoaddcustomfield}
    • In the list of sections, select the section where you want to add a field.

    • Click Add below the list of fields.

    • In the dialog that opens, type CustomAttribute in the list of properties.

    • Select a virtual property and click OK.

     How to change the display name of a custom field {id=howtochangedisplayname}
    • Launch Adaxes administration console.

    • Right-click your Adaxes service and then click Property Display Names in the context menu.

    • In the dialog that opens, click Add and type CustomAttribute in the drop-down list.

    • Select the virtual property you want to specify a display name for.

    • In the dialog that opens, enter the display name.

    • To specify a custom property display name only for a specific object type, click Add type-specific display name.

    • Click OK.

    You can use virtual properties in the same way you use other properties of directory objects, for example, in business rule conditions.


    Example 1 – Add a user to a group when a custom checkbox is selected

    Example 2 – Grant mailbox access to a user selected on a form

    Help and hint text

    You can provide help text and hints for individual fields.

    For details, see Provide custom help and tips for directory object properties.

    Fields as drop-down lists

    You can enable users to select a value from a drop-down list instead of having them type in the values manually.

    For details, see Make an input field a drop-down list.

    Available operations

    You can configure which operations are available in object views.

     How to modify the list of operations {id=configureoperations}
    • Navigate to the Operations section right below the Forms and views section, and select the operation you want to show or hide.

    • On the Visibility tab, use the checkbox in the Visible column to indicate whether the operation is visible.

    For more details about configuring operations, see Disable operations on directory objects.

  6. Save the changes.