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Is it possible to have Adaxes bulk import the user pictures? We already have the pictures in a directory named with the user's employeeid. Was hoping to import them using that to match. Thanks again for your help

asked Mar 21, 2013 by jiambor (1.2k points)
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Is there a way to disable viewing users in the Console Tree? I would rather just see them in the Result Pane. In ADUC, this is done by unselecting "View | Users, Groups, and Computers as Containers"

asked Mar 20, 2013 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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Hi, One of our requirement is to automaticaly generate computer names, in a incremental way. For instance Computer0001 Computer0002 Computer0003 I was unable to do that with ... following error: Name is not specified for the new object Any idea is welcome.

asked Mar 19, 2013 by Pierre (750 points)
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Due to some of the systems we have, we must limit our logon names to 8 characters. When I set the Value Length to Maximum 8, the result when creating a new account ... get a popup "Invalid Value Length". Is there a way to autopopulate with only 8 characters?

asked Mar 18, 2013 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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We had some problems with the workflow solution. Seems that when the queue Entries for Approval/deny/Pending when the amount is > 1000 entries, we can't do anything else. ... and will it solve the problem? We are on 2012.1 Thanks and best regards, Wally

asked Mar 18, 2013 by Wally (210 points)
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We are a Google Apps shop. Our help desk currently has to use a Google Admin Console page to reset user passwords when they forget them. We were talking today and ... such as Google Apps. Any thoughts, advise, or instructions are welcome. Thanks +tag gmail

asked Mar 15, 2013 by jiambor (1.2k points)
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Quick (hoepfully final) question. Where Adaxes holds it's own data (specifically 'Answers' for the Q&A password resets) how is this data secured? Can someone with ... account) access/view this data (and by extension any of the custom attributes)? Thanks

asked Mar 15, 2013 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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I tried following the instructions in this tutorial: ... wUsers.htm When I get to the section "In the dialog that opens, select the Remote ... , even if I select the "Show all properties (Alt+A)" Thanks in advance.

asked Mar 15, 2013 by Kikaida (1.1k points)
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Hey Support, We receive employee requests via a request mailbox in Exchange. I am trying to get a termination request automated so we only have to approve the ... the AccountExpirationDate property but it appears to ignore any approval business rules. Cheers.

asked Mar 15, 2013 by Nodeblue (400 points)
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Hi, Anyone encounter an error where normal users logins to the Selfservice link is ok but if you use the Service Administrator account to login it will show the error "Fatal error. All web interface components are disabled"?

asked Mar 13, 2013 by Swire (40 points)
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Is there any way to change the format of the email sent to users when they need to approve something? We would like to customize the message and make it look more like what they expect to see from our internal security group.

asked Mar 11, 2013 by DFassett (710 points)
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Hello, We have a script that checks for expiring accounts (temp/contractor) and emails the users manager requesting that they respond to the email either approving an extension of the ... has expired, or at least send an email to the security group to do so.

asked Mar 11, 2013 by DFassett (710 points)
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Hi, Getting ready for the final testing...(hopefully on the 21st!) Can I just confirm the minimal access rights required for the service account as to date we have tested ... this is a supported setup or could we have problems 'down the line'? Many Thanks

asked Mar 11, 2013 by firegoblin (1.6k points)
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Hello We are looking to optimize one of our most used scripts. The script is kinda slow when working against a domain containing over 15 terminal servers. We are ... if($result) { $Context.LogMessage($result, "Information") } } Remove-PSSession $session

asked Mar 8, 2013 by kjesoo (960 points)
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We just finalize the purchase to our software license company and I want to try to automate more with Adaxes. Is there a way that it can automatically create mailboxes in Office 365 ... that relays out to 365) and set up a script to migrate them to Office 365?

asked Mar 6, 2013 by danftasc (440 points)
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Greetings - I'm attempting to run a powershell script to create a Lync user and I'm running into an issue at the first step. When I call the custom command to run the ... be accessible by any user. Anyone have any ideas what I could be missing? Thanks! Jason

asked Mar 5, 2013 by NorthDigital (60 points)
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I'm getting the following error message when trying to send notifications from scheduled tasks to users. This is after configuring the system to use an office 365 support ... .ActionBase.Execute(ICommand command) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

asked Mar 5, 2013 by trscott (80 points)
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We are having problems with the Get-AdmUser command. We are trying to run a user count task, but our script times out with "The pipeline has been stopped". We debugged the script, ... `"$domainName`",`"$custnr`",`"$custname`",`"$desc`",`"$memacc $memna`"" } }

asked Mar 5, 2013 by kjesoo (960 points)
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Hi, It seems that we're having a problem with renaming users. When our administrators rename a user our AD reflects the changes as expected, but the name in the ... 2012.1 Active Directory in 2003 mode, forest mode 2000 Exchange 2007 SP3 Regards, Troels

asked Mar 4, 2013 by THylsberg (70 points)
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I found a really nice password expire notification script on the net at I decided to test it ... -ADUserPasswordExpirationDate $user.samaccountname } # $WhatIfPreference = $false Remove-ScriptVariables -path $ScriptPathAndName

asked Feb 27, 2013 by ABrown (70 points)
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